Your Dream Home Is Just A Call Away

Home Loan Services in California
Local and On-Line For All Services
We can assist with a budget and a path to get to your destination.
Call us today for a Free Consultation
Loan Options
Professional Mortgage Associates offers all types of home loans and refinances for your primary homes or investment properties. My team and I can help you develop a plan, customized to fit all your personal needs and goals.
3.5% down payment
USDA 100%, CalHfa 100%
VA 100%
and more...
3% down payment
5% down payment
20% down no MI
and more...
Self Employed purchase/Refi
Jumbo Loans
203k Streamline
and more...
Free consultations
401K Withdraw Assistance
Gift funds
Full On-Line services, e-signing
E-mail, Phone, in-person appts.
Fala-se-Portugues / Habla Espanol
My Opinion on Current World Events
It is a time for change. We need to stick together as Americans, buy more American made products, enjoy our families, and prioritize what is important in our lives.
We will come out stronger and better for it!